Safe Holiday Parties: A Primer
As the calendar moves to December, we enter what some call “the most wonderful time of the year,” with workplace holiday parties and celebrations accompanying…
New Potential Legislation Supporting Families and Women in the Trades
Ontario’s provincial government will soon introduce legislation that if passed, will support families and assist women in entering and remaining in the skilled trades. Supporting…
Working for Workers Five Act Receives Royal Assent
As previously discussed, Ontario’s Working for Workers Five Act, 2024 (Bill 190) received royal assent. Bill 190, which received royal assent on October 28, 2024, amends several…
Toughest Challenges When Writing a Workplace Investigation Report
As an employer in Ontario, it may be necessary to complete a written investigation on a number of issues. The employer may need to investigate…
Accommodation Is Not “Make Work”
Employers should always be aware that accommodation is not a “make work” endeavour. Where an employee cannot complete the basic obligations of a job, there…
Vacation Pay Agreements Mandatory as of June 21
As you probably know, updates to the ESA from March 2024 introduced a new obligation on employers which comes into effect on June 21, 2024….
Working For Workers Five Act Introduced – What This Means for Employers
Since the first iteration of the Working for Workers Act in 2021, Ontario’s provincial government has made significant changes to the province’s employment law regime….
Working For Workers Four Act Receives Royal Assent – What This Means For Employers
Bill 149 (Working for Workers Four Act, 2024) received royal assent on March 21, 2024. Bill 149, announced in November 2023, introduces several new obligations…
Important Update: New “Bad Words” for Employment Contracts
As we say, the law is constantly evolving – and it has just evolved again in an important way. Over the past 20 years, judges…
What Organizations Need to Know About Canada’s New Anti-Forced Labour Supply Chain Law
The Canadian government’s new law addressing modern slavery in supply chains came into force on January 1, 2024. The “Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child…

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